Running form, technical running technique, MTB skills and guided mountain runs. Full or half days at a mutually convenient location for coaching or somewhere totally unknown and new to you for guiding!
Running form, technical running technique, MTB skills and guided mountain runs. Full or half days at a mutually convenient location for coaching or somewhere totally unknown and new to you for guiding!
Race strategy & Season planning
Planning your race season to ensure you have had the best preparation for when you want to perform at your top level. Discussing and planning race strategy and tactics prior to important events as well as equimpement and clothing choices.
Season structure & Planning:
Very few people can be in peak physical condition for every race they enter in a given season, unless they are very selective on when they take to the start line. Everyone is different, some athletes require a number of 'tune-up' races to get into top shape, others can train into race condition without having to use races as training. I can give my opinion on which category you fall into and advise on how to plan your season accordingly. A race season should fall into your periodised training plan - I subscribe to a method of blocks of training and racing rather than having lots of spaced out races during the season; this approach facilitates peak performance when desired. I prefer to help athletes with their season structure if I am also coaching them as a training and race plan should be synchronised to optimise performance. However, I will also discuss and plan a season for those that do not require my coaching services.
Race strategy & Preparation:
I have spent the majority of my life testing out different race strategies and have got it wrong on plenty of occasions, I have made the mistakes so you don't have to! I can help you break down your race and course (distance, elevation, terrian, altitude) and plan with you how best to prepare and tackle the event.
TRAINING, RACE & Adventure kit
I have been lucky enough to represent a number of different brands over the years in both cycling and running. The equipment and kit that I use has always been incredibly important to me, so have such only used what I truly believe to be the best on the market for my needs. Having tested a vast array of bike set-ups, cycling clothing and running shoes and clothing I am well placed to be in a position to advise on what might work best for you.
Athletes are often guilty of focusing on race day while paying little attention to the clothing and equipment they are using every day in training. Training on the right bike or wearing the correct pair of running shoes is fundamental to a rounded training plan, and come race day could be the difference between being in peak condition and sat at home with an injury.
It's not always easy to know what to take or carry on a planned adventure or race; this becomes harder the more extreme the weather and the longer you're going to be out for. I can help you trim your pack down to a minimum if wanting to move as fast and light as possible for a feather-weight expedition. Likewise, for multi-day trips we can look at gear to make sure you'll be comfortable and safe in the mountains.