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The mountain running pod

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Informative, amusing and joined by a plethora of guests, your hosts, British international mountain and trail runners Seb Batchelor and Rob 'Sinco' Sinclair, discuss the world of mountain running and sports performance. 


Rob Sinclair

Rob is one of the funniest guys I have ever met, the combination of his thick Aberdonian accent and hilarious turn of phrase makes for non-stop laughter. He's also an outstanding mountain and ultra runner, not that he would ever admit it himself; he's either incredibly modest or has no idea of the magnitude of his achievements. I like to call him 'The Aberdeen Wild Child' because of his slightly unkempt beard and the relentless energy he brings with him to the mountains!

- Seb


seb batchelor

Seb is truly an enigma of life, with an aura about him that has been compared to the likes of Jimi Hendrix in his prime. In my opinion, he is like British mountain running's answer to Batman; by day he is saving animals' lives while pushing the boundaries of veterinary science, but come those dark hours he is a warrior of the hills, carving lightning fast lines up steep ascents with those Dyson motor powered calves. A hero in the dark - a wizard of the day!

- Rob


When Seb met SincoThe Introductory Show
00:00 / 33:59
The Ultimate VK with Jacob AdkinEpisode 1
00:00 / 54:51
Zak Attack with Zak HannaEpisode 2
00:00 / 1:06:32
S&C Fundamentals with Cem YesilyurtEpisode 3
00:00 / 1:00:29
Sky High with Georgia TindleyEpisode 4
00:00 / 1:01:20
Brother's Special - Racing & RehabEpisode 5
00:00 / 46:55
Rise of Robbie Simpson - Chapter 1Episode 6
00:00 / 1:01:21
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